Monday, September 11, 2006


I began classes at the Conservative Yeshiva yesterday, and its been a lot of fun, despite the long days. Here's a sampling of what I've taken so far:
Talmud with Dr. Josh Kulp
We're learning the end of Masechet Yoma (dealing with Yom Kippur) for now, and after the Chagim we will begin learning the ninth chapter iof Bava Kamma (dealing with the laws of theft). I have a really great chevruta, who is from Chicago and just graduated university, and the class is both interesting and fun.
Advanced Halacha with Rabbi Shmuel Lewis
We have begun studying the laws of Shofar from the shulchan aruch and mishnah berura, and will later begin to study the development of halacha.
Tanach for Nativ
We are being taught by one of the Yeshiva's advanced students, and will be learning the book of Devarim with commentary.
Midrash with Rabbi Mordechai Silverstein
This is one of my favourite classes so far, since I've never formaly studied it before, and it is very challenging, but interesting. My Chevruta in this class, as well as Tanach is Mendy Fisch, an old friend from Ramah Poconos!
Overall, the experience of studying Torah strictly for its own sake has been a very rewarding exprience, and I look forward to updating on more of what I'm learning. The rest of the week will be pretty busy with a Gemilut Chesed (community service) fair, an Israeli rock concert, and a Yeshiva Shabbaton this shabbat at Massada!
שלום מירושלים!

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